Carol "Speedy" Chen #1
If there's one thing everyone knows about Speedy, it's that she is super speedy...hence the nickname! She is a goaltimate master, a former Pie Queen, and has experience on several club teams including Home Brood, CTR, and Slackjaw. Known as Carol Chen in the non-ultimate community, Speedy has just as many skills off the field as she does on the field. Soon to be Dr. Chen, she is working toward her PhD at UCSF and knows everything there is to know about bones and joints. This smart cookie stays active in many ways, not just Ultimate. She loves riding her bike and actually just got a fancy new one! She wants to do triathalons and this spring she was part of a 12 person team that ran 200 miles (calistoga to santa cruz) over the course of 30 hours!! If that's not impressive enough, Speedy is also known to throw the best, most extravagant dinner parties. She is an excellent baker and makes yummy bacon with flavors like brown sugar and black pepper...mmmmm this girl is talented. When she's not doing any of these things, Speedy spends time with her honey, Arlo. They live in the mission in San Francisco.
Speedy is one of the sweetest, most adorable ultimate players you'll find and a pleasure to have as a teammate. She may be a rookie to Zeitgeist, but Speedy is definitely not a rookie at life. This girl is skilled.