Tessa "Tickles" Nichols #55
The year was 1981. The Month of April, on the 20th day of its existence, looked around and sighed. “I’m almost over and nothing exciting has yet to happen,” it thought. Little did The Month of April expect that the next day would bring into the world the most prominent and determined face Chico, CA would ever know.
Ever since her early days of playing basketball, Tessa was convinced that she would grow up to be the first female player in the NBA (luckily for zG that dream didn’t quite pan out as planned). Soon after conquering California, Tessa decided she needed a real challenge. She moved to Austin and shortly thereafter Texas changed April 21st from San Jacinto Day to Tessa Nichols Appreciation Day. When not playing ultimate, you can find Tessa snuggling her stoic pup Tora, reading books about female sports psychology, and picking up cute Russian hitchhikers in Tahoe.